Caring 4 You
Caring 4 Madison
Vote Eli Tsarovsky
for District 4

Our Vision For District 4
Welcome to the campaign that cares about you, our community, and our collective future!
We want you to join us in our movement to make District 4 and Madison a place where everyone can live, work, and play as their authentic self. We want our area to not only be a great place to visit, but a great place to form your future and your community.
Join our collective vision to make downtown Madison a place that everyone can belong in and be proud to call home.
The CARES Platform

We need to invest in places that bring people together and create ways for people to be more active and a part of Downtown Madison.

We need to make it more affordable for people to live and open a business in District 4.

We need to bolster city departments and ordinances that protect tenants and workers in Downtown Madison.
We need to do everything we can to protect reproductive rights and human rights in Madison.

We need to incentivize infrastructure that makes it the easiest choice to protect Lake Monona and Lake Mendota.
We need to continue to create policies that protect our air and trees in Madison by making it the easy choice through city ordinances and zoning that incentivize responsible stewardship of our environment.

We need to work with our downtown community to invest in solutions that create safer pedestrian and cyclist environments during the day and the night. We need to work with the community to create solutions to homelessness/houselessness in Madison.
Community Events